How To Fix the Problem “Personalized Settings Not Responding”- Best In 2023?

Fix Personalized Settings Not Responding

You might find the problem “personalized settings not responding” (Causes) due to corrupted files that exist in your Windows system, faulty drivers, incomplete software updates, or some minor software issues. Read the whole article to explore the fixing methods to get rid of the annoying Windows problem in 2022.

Fixing methods for “personalized settings not responding” in 2023!

We have introduced the solving methods for the problem of personalized settings not responding. Insist you perform the stated methods one after another in your Windows system and check whether the issue is fixed or not.

Restart your Windows PC or laptop

Due to minor software issues, you might find personalized settings problems in Windows System. Some of the Windows users have fixed the problem by just performing the restarting activity.

  • Press the keys (Ctrl + Alt + Delete) simultaneously.
  • You will find the option “Restart” click on it!
  • Wait for a few seconds until your Windows system gets restarted

The method is a bit silly but it works! Check whether the problem is fixed or not in 2022.

Turn-ON/OFF Airplane Mode 

  • Type “Airplane mode” in the windows search bar
  • Click on the Airplane mode option.
  • Kindly, enable Airplane mode in your Windows System.
  • Wait for a few seconds and disable the Airplane mode in your Windows Operating System.

Hopefully, the problem of personalized settings not responding might be fixed. If not, kindly proceed with other fixing methods.

Restart Windows Explorer 

  • Type “Task Manager” in the window search bar, click on it!
  • Next step is to find “Windows Explorer” under processes.
  • Kindly, left-click on Windows Explorer and click on the “Restart” option

Once done, the personalized settings problem might get fixed. If not, kindly proceed with other methods in your Windows system.

Update Graphics drivers in Windows system 

Lack of new driver updates (graphics) is one of the main causes for personalized settings not responding to issues. Check for new graphics driver updates in your Windows operating system. If any, install it!

  • Type “Device Manager” in the Windows Search bar and click on it!
  • Double click on “Display Adapters
  • Next step is to left-click on “Graphics drivers”
  • Click on the “Update driver” option to execute the process.

Run “sfc /scannow” in Command Prompt 

Due to Corrupted files that exist in the Windows System, finds the problem of personalized settings not responding. Performing this method in your operating system will help to detect corrupted files and remove the same.

  • Type “Command Prompt” in the Windows search bar
  • Click on “Run as administrator” to open the CMD prompt as admin

Note: You won’t be able to execute the method if you don’t open Command Prompt as Admin “Run as administrator”

  • Next step is to input the command “sfc /scannow” in Command Prompt and hit enter.
  • The process will consume some time, wait until 100% completion.

Once done, restart your Windows system to check whether the issue is fixed or not. If not, insist you proceed with other fixing methods.

Delete the Registry Key for Windows Update

Still, finding the problem personalized settings not responding? Insist you perform the method in your Windows System. Make sure you do not skip any of the steps to avoid the unwanted hassle, later on.

  • Press Windows + R key simultaneously  to open Run Window
  • Now type “regedit” in the empty box and click on the OK button.
  • Follow the order to click the folders in Registry Editor





  • Keep following the order we have distinguished it for easy understanding

Active Setup

Installed Components


  • Next step is to left click on {89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4340} and delete the key.
  • Once, done restart your Windows system. That’s it you have successfully fixed the personalized settings problem.

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FAQ for personalized settings not responding

  • Why is my personalized setting not responding?

You might find the problem personalized setting not responding in Windows Operating System due to corrupted files, lack of new driver updates, faulty drivers, or software issues.

  • How do I fix personalized settings not responding?

Perform the stated methods in your Windows system to fix the problem of personalized settings not responding in 2022

  1. Restart your Windows PC or laptop
  2. Turn-ON/OFF Airplane Mode
  3. Restart Windows Explorer
  4. Update Graphics drivers in Windows system
  5. Run “sfc /scannow” in Command Prompt
  6. Delete the Registry Key for Windows Update

Why does my computer say personalized settings not responding?

Due to corrupted files that exist in your Windows Operating System finds you the problem personalized setting not responding. Insist you run the command “sfc /scannow” in the command prompt to detect and replace the corrupted files from Windows System.


Performing the stated methods in your Windows System you can get rid of the problem of personalized settings not responding in 2022. If you have any doubts or queries, kindly note them in the given comment section. Our dedicated team will look into it!

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